====== Chair Thesis Students ====== Dear Thesis Student,\\ \\ congratulations for writing a thesis at the [[https://www.cm.in.tum.de|Chair of Connected Mobility at TUM]]!\\ This page should give you some information on the expected output and other topics regarding the thesis (free printing, etc.). If you have further questions regarding this page or anything else ask your supervisor or write us an [[mailto:admin@cm.in.tum.de|E-Mail]]\\ \\ Make sure to fill out the form at the bottom of this page!\\ \\ Best regards,\\ Supervisor and Chair Admins ===== Writing Guidelines ===== * We created a set of guidelines you should follow when writing your thesis: {{ :pdf:public:thesis_guidelines_2017_12_13.pdf | Thesis Guidelines}} * There is an unofficial [[https://github.com/fwalch/tum-thesis-latex | LaTeX template]] for TUM theses you can use. It is not required but useful and can save some time. * Refer to the official [[http://www.in.tum.de/en/current-students/administrative-matters/thesis-guidelines-and-topics/ | in.tum guidelines]] for the mandatory formal requirements of your thesis. You will find information for the formatting and also submission of your thesis. ===== Print your thesis ===== When the deadline approaches you should spend some thoughts on how to get your electronic thesis file on paper. \\ The chair offers some free print budget for the Xerox printers in the FMI building. You can apply for it in the form below, your supervisor has to approve your request before the budget is assigned to your in.tum account. You can only register for a print budget if you registered before as a thesis student at the chair through the from below!\\ Instructions on how to print at the Xerox printers [[https://wiki.in.tum.de/Informatik/Helpdesk/Drucken%C3%BCbersicht|are here. (German only)]] For further help on the actual printout you can ask the [[https://wiki.in.tum.de/Informatik/Helpdesk/WebHome|RBG Helpdesk]] located in [[https://wiki.in.tum.de/Informatik/Helpdesk/HelpdeskStandort|room 00.07.36]]. \\ * You can get a budget for up to two copies. One copy for the official submission and one copy for the supervisor. Add some additional pages to print test pages with graphics and tables separately. * To make use of the budget you need to print your thesis with your in.tum account on the FMI Xerox printers. To assign the budget to your account we need your in.tum user. Make sure you know the user and also the password for your in.tum account!
action mail admin@cm.in.tum.de subject "Form - Thesis Print Budget" thanks "Thank you for filling out the form. You will be contacted soon to inform you about the status of your budget." fieldset "Request for print budget" textbox "Name:" textbox "In-Tum User:" email "E-Mail:" select "Color:" "Colored|Black & White" textbox "Number of pages:" "=200" textbox "Supervisor:" "=-" textbox "Notes:" 4x20 ! fieldset "Submit" submit "Send Form"
===== Thesis Chair Registration ===== **Don't forget the official registration!** The form below is only for the chair. Make sure to also hand in the official thesis registration.
action mail admin@cm.in.tum.de subject "Form - Thesis student application" thanks "Thank you for filling out the form." fieldset "Register your thesis at the chair" textbox "First Name:" textbox "Last Name:" email "E-Mail:" select "Type:" "Bachelor|Master" textbox "Title:" "=Thesis Title" date "Expected Submission Date:" "=2020-12-15" textbox "Supervisor:" "=-" textbox "Notes:" 4x20 ! fieldset "Submit" submit "Send Form"